Tonight's is a little photo show from the library knitting project at Hulme Library, Manchester. It was part of a larger project to set up knitting groups in several of the Manchester Libraries with each one culminating with a yarn bombing project. I worked with just the Hulme group and we decided on a creepy crawl/flower themed project. We (me and Caroline who ran the day time group) were amazed by the amount of work that was turned in. Most the participants were total beginners. WELL DONE!
It was part of the "Hume is Where the Art Is" Festival. There were loads of performers, food and craft stalls.
There was a little surprise... I found baggies of drugs under one of the trees. It was very exciting. I had to find the po po and turn it in. Back to the knitting......
This crochet was done by a total beginner. I'm so impressed.
And some more......
Amazing bird house.......
Sweet little butterflies......
There was a story teller amoungst us.... and you can see our knitting gazebo in the background.
All in all, it was fantastic project and I feel sad it has ended. Thank you to everyone who took part.